Monday, May 1, 2017

Week Fourteen

This past week was again focused on our Smart Projects. As the Expo is this coming Thursday, we have been working on the finishing stages of our project. From getting together our materials for our table at the Expo to finalizing our poster and product design, we have had much to do!

On Tuesday we met with our professor in order to discuss the last parts of the project we had to work on. One thing we talked about was creating business cards and a fact sheet about our product to present to viewers at the Expo. Our fact sheet has our value proposition as well as our buyer persona and information that is on our poster such as our target market, product features, and the value we provide. This fact sheet along with the business cards will be a great way to set our group apart from most of the other teams that are participating in the Expo.  Below is a picture of our fact sheet.

One thing that we talked about a great deal was the final design file. Over the course of the semester we have had to write memos documenting different tasks we have completed. In our final design file, we must include updated memos in order to demonstrate what we have learned throughout this process. This includes information about our customers and target market, our brand strategy, our product design, and our product definition. In general, we are really looking forward to seeing our final product and presenting it at the Expo this week.

Additionally, we got back our mind maps and blog posts that we have done since the middle of the semester. Unfortunately, as we have been given more tasks to complete over the latter half of the semester, the quality of both mind maps and blog posts have decreased. Although this is the case, I have still enjoyed being able to reflect weekly on what I have learned, even if these assignments are not my favorite to do.

Thursday's class was our final joint class with the engineers. This class was focused on two things. The first was making sure that both the engineers and the business students knew critical information about the project from the others' point of view. The other was making sure that we had our elevator pitches prepared and ready to go.

As part of the first segment of class, I learned some valuable information about our product that I didn't realize I didn't know.

  1. our product was designed using SolidWorks and is being created using a laser cutter
  2. inside of our product is an aruino uno which is like a mini computer, a distance sensor, a servo, and RGB LED lights
  3. It was programed using labview because it can interface with the arduino and the sensor sets off the servo and LEDs when the door opens.
Overall, during the first half of the class, I learned how to explain the picture above which consists of all of the internal components of our product.

The second half of the class was for us to work on our elevator pitch. Our group came up with the idea of using a song as our pitch in order to set ourselves apart from the other groups. In general, the elevator pitch is a great way for us to introduce our product to potential investors in a short amount of time. While working on our pitch, we identified some important information that we wanted to convey.

  • Our market size along with target market
  • What our product does-in simple terms
  • What problem it is solving
  • How it is different from other products
The best way to differentiate our product is by recognizing that while other organizational solutions exist, very few, if any, combine organization with technology in order to create the easiest process for the user. Therefore, we feel as though our product can be successful in the marketplace. What I learned from listening to everyone else's pitches was:

  • Use a confident, professional, bur relaxed tone
  • Use the full amount of time (approx. 90 seconds) in order to get your point across
  • Don't rush
  • Don't use notes
  • Have three important points from each section picked out as the things you need to get across while giving your pitch
Overall, Thursday's class was a very productive day for us. After facing issues with our poster throughout the week, we were happy with the way the final design came out, and ready to move on with the rest of the process. As most of the work is now done, our group is now getting excited to be able to finally display what we have been working on all semester to our fellow students as well as the Western New England Community.

Until next week!

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